The housewife who welcomes her children and husband home with the heavenly smell of freshly baked food will forever remain a heart-warming image, perhaps even more in our modern-day life. Whether only a pure passion or the motive of a small catering business, home baking is a fascinating art and a life-creating process that spreads joy and warmth; and for that reason, homebakers should feel no less than starred chefs in their own kingdom.
By launching its new line “Polygel for the homebaker”, Polygel has decided to empower homemade cuisine, helping “home chefs” unleash their cooking potential. Relying on its wide expertise in the import and distribution of raw materials and equipment, the renowned local supplier aspires to transform every kitchen into a homebaker’s dream place.
Through an extensive range of top-notch professional products and ingredients packed in a home-friendly way, Polygel for the homebaker brings every baker the crème-de-la-crème of kitchen tools that will make home cooking ever more enjoyable and mouthwatering!